Thursday, March 6, 2014

Journey to the Hiding Place - Day 2

Psalm 32:7

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

1. How do you hide from the storm of your loss?

I focus on helping others with their loss. I focus on reading about their losses, praying for them, creating a place for them, and trying to be a voice and advocate for them.

2. Identify the emotional debris, uprooted expectations, or damaged relationships from your loss in need of being repaired.
Write this in a prayer request to God.

Dear God,

My arms ache to hold Hannah. They are a constant reminder of what will never be on this earth. My heart hurts to express all the love I have to Hannah.

This is not how it was suppose to be. I was suppose to have a baby girl around Easter and bring her home with me. I was suppose to hear her cry, look into her eyes, touch her skin, see her smile, and take care of her. I am filled with a mother's love and no baby to give it to. I have no baby to raise and I can't  show her the world. I can't watch as she grows into a beautiful Godly young woman.

Thank you for the people you have placed in my life before and after Hannah's passing. Continue to protect these important relationships. I pray that you will continue to help us to make repairs on these relationships as needed.

Thank you Lord for always being there even in my darkest hours.


3. Picture God has your hiding place. Read Psalm 32:8 aloud as if God were responding to you.

Psalm 32:8
"Let me give you some advice; I'm looking you in the eye and giving it to you straight:"

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