Genesis 3:8-9
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?"
1. How have you been hiding the pain of your loss?
Some days I don't want to experience the intense pain. It's too much. So I "watch" myself. I pretend I'm not that woman whose baby died. I'm just helping that woman, because nothing like that could really ever happen to me.
2. How have you felt disconnected? Physically? Emotionally? Socially? Spiritually?
Many days I just don't know what to say to God in my prayers. Other days I can't get my words out.
3. Imagine someone calling out, "Where are you in your grief?" How would you respond today? How would you respond a year from now?
I'm fresh in my grief. I can't even begin to describe how much it hurts. It's so real but other moments feel so surreal.
I'm not sure how I would respond a year from now. To be honest I can't imagine much changing. But I am trying to heal and adjust to this "new normal."
4. Are you ready now to take a few steps forward in grieving your child?
Yes... No... I don't know... I'm terrified that means Hannah will be forgotten.
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